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Premium WordPress Hosting for Everyone

Web hosting made easy & affordable, choose a fine-tuned web hosting services solution for successful personal and business websites.

email hosting

Available Operating Systems With Maximum Speed

Our web hosting platform has been fully optimised to offer outstanding performance for your web applications, delivering speeds of up to16x faster.

High Performance WordPress Hosting

Our hosting plans all come with WordPress pre-installed, securely hosted and backed by our 24x7 expert support, get started with WordPress.

Plesk Web Hosting

power by cpanel
  • 15 GB SSD Space
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Plesk Obsidian
  • 1 GB Memory / %25 vCpu
  • Unlimited domain hosting
  • Ddos protection
  • Litespeed Web server
  • Weekly backup
  • Free SSL
  • Antivirus

Money back guarantee

€2.0/mo Buy Hosting

Managed Reseller Hosting

power by onyx
  • 40 GB SSD Space
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Plesk Obsidian
  • 1 GB Memory / %25 vCpu
  • Unlimited domain hosting
  • Ddos protection
  • Litespeed Web server
  • Weekly backup
  • Free SSL
  • Antivirus

Money back guarantee

€5.0 /mo Buy Reseller Hosting

Best Hosting Features For You

These features come standard in all of our hosting plans. Dynamically extend imperatives through open-source quickly niche markets.

Custom Control Panel

Our intuitive control panel gives you admin access to all of your Zavki products easily.

Fast & Reliable

If your website is slow or down, then you are losing customers, conversion and search engine rankings.

1-Click Installer

No need to dig into a bunch of documentation. Simply install web apps like WordPress, Joomla!.

99.90% Uptime Guarantee

With multiple datacenter locations, redundant cooling, emergency generators and monitoring.

Solid State Drives (SSD)

With SSDs, your website, caching, and database queries are faster by our calculations.

Award-Winning Support

No question is too simple, or too complex for our team of experts. Synergistically synergize.

24/7 Expert Hosting Support Our Customers Love

Objectively innovate high compellingly maintain progressively pursue mission-critical information quality imperatives.

server room

Frequently Asked Queries

Efficiently productivate reliable paradigms before ubiquitous models. Continually utilize frictionless expertise whereas tactical relationships. Still have questions? Contact us

Web hosting allows businesses, organizations, and individuals to make their websites or apps visible on the internet. Whether they're using a dedicated server, or sharing resources, every website is hosted on a server. The only way for a website to be visible on the internet is if it's hosted by a web hosting service provider, also known as a web host. In order to find a website, you type the domain name (or URL) into your browser. Your computer will then connect to the server where the website is hosted, and the webpage is delivered onto your screen.

We do not charge any fee for restoration.

Yes, we provide a money-back guarantee for up to 30 days in our hosting services.

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